Get to know the Artist

  • Growing up in New York City amidst her mother’s fabric swaths and paint samples of interior design, Annie discovered her happiest moments in childhood existed in color, texture and form. Her early years were full of sketching acclaimed family portraits, winning art contests and painting her high school prom backdrops.

    Leaving the Fine Arts program at the University of Arizona to marry and have children, she stumbled upon her professional graphics career when her boss and trainer failed to return to work. Learning from the ground up, as replacement lead artist at Grove Printing company she later became the Art Director for Fiber Arts Magazine in Asheville, NC.

    Due to fortune and family, she landed, across the country, on Bainbridge Island, WA and continued her free lance graphics work. She then wound her way North to the verdant Skagit Valley where she won the bid for the 1987 Skagit Valley Tulip Festival design. After later serving as the Art Director for Cascadian Farms, she followed the call of the Sun, and adventure, and returned to the textural inspiration of Arizona.

    Under the Adult Degree Program of Prescott College, Annie renovated the 1883 historic Hale House. She graduated with her BFA in Architecture as Art in 1997.

    Working with at-risk youth, Annie was introduced to the intensive work of handmade paper. Discovering her affinity with the medium and falling in love with its sculptural potential, she embarked on a practice that has spanned the last 25 years. Annie has developed her own processes and methods aided by the particular Central Highlands, Arizona climate. Incorporating her selected foraging in the textural landscape, the wet summer monsoons, long hot dry days and the brief but startling freeze of winter, she produces her original expressions.

    Annie’s unique interpretation of Creation, realized through focused observation, green bio available materials, scientific experimentation and fierce human strength and determination, leads any viewer into a world of beauty and shared celebration of the natural wonder that surrounds us.

  • PRESCOTT COLLEGE: B.F.A. Architecture as Art

    YAVAPAI COLLEGE: Paper Making





    Gallery Beyond Words, Prescott, AZ March-June 2023


    SILENT LIGHT 2 "A Winter Wonderland of Transdimensional Sculpture"

    Gallery Beyond Words, Prescott, AZ November 2022- February 2023


    Gallery Beyond Words, Prescott, AZ August-October 2022


    Gallery Beyond Words, Prescott, AZ March-July 2022

    SILENT LIGHT "A Winter Wonderland of Transdimensional Sculpture"

    Gallery Beyond Words, Prescott, AZ November 2021- February 2022

    Annie Alexander Exhibit

    Shumei Institute, Pasadena, CA March-August 2016


    Water in the Desert: Rain Dance

    31/370 selected artists. Terminal 4, Phoenix Airport Art Museum 2019-2020

    The Southwest Invitational

    Arizona Commission on the Arts 2015

    Point of Time and Texture

    Yavapai College Art Gallery May- June 2015

  • Growing up in New York City amidst her mother’s fabric swaths and paint samples of interior design, Annie discovered her happiest moments existed in color, texture and form.

    Leaving the Fine Arts program at the University of Arizona to marry and have children, she stumbled upon her professional graphics career when her boss failed to return to work. Starting at ground zero, as replacement lead artist at Grove Printing company, she later became the Art Director for the long standing iconic leader in textile design, FiberArts Magazine, in Asheville, NC.

    Due to fortune and family, Annie landed across the country, on Bainbridge Island, WA. Continuing her free lance graphics work, she won the bid for the 1987 Skagit Valley Tulip Festival design. Later she served as the Art Director for Cascadian Farms in Concrete, WA, and finally heeded the call of the Sun, returning to the textural inspiration of Arizona.

    Under the Adult Degree Program of Prescott College, Annie renovated the 1883 historic Hale House in Prescott, AZ. In 1997, She graduated with her BFA in Architecture as Art.

    Working with at-risk youth, Annie was introduced to the intensive work of handmade paper. Discovering her affinity with the medium and falling in love with its sculptural potential, she embarked on a practice that has spanned the last 25 years. Within the known world of handmade paper making methods, Annie has developed her own unique processes, aided by the flora and fauna of the Central Highlands and its particular Arizona climate. Incorporating her selected foraging in the textural landscape, the wet summer monsoons, long hot dry days and the brief but startling freeze of winter, she produces her original expressions.

    Annie’s unique interpretation of Creation, realized through focused observation, green, bio available materials, scientific experimentation and fierce human strength and determination, leads any viewer into a world of beauty. Both visually, and intellectually, one enters a shared celebration of the natural wonder that surrounds us.


13” x 18” x 6”

Chorus of the Cicada

13” x 18” x 6”

See the Process